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Download and install the TDSBot App. After installing your TDSBot device to your water filter system, follow the below mentioned steps to complete the setup.
Create a new account or sign in using Google
After verifying your email, account is created. Sign in. Click on Add New Device.
Select your water filter system details. If the manufacturer and/or the model is not listed, you can select a generic system that matches the number of filter cartridges in your system.
Enter your water filter system's last service details. This is needed to predict next filter cartridge change dates, just approximate month and year is sufficient.
Add address where the water filter system is installed
Now we will pair the TDSBot to your phone. Click on Setup Bluetooth
Click on Enable Location and give location access to the app. This is needed by Bluetooth to pair the device. After set up is completed, Bluetooth is not required.
Enable Bluetooth. The App will scan available devices near you. Select and connect to the TDSBot shown under Scan Results
Once the pairing is done, the app will show Bluetooth State as Ready. Click on Continue
Click on Setup Wi-Fi to setup TDSBot so that it can connect to the Internet
Select the Wi-Fi network you want your TDSBot to connect to the internet. Enter the password when requested.
Once connected, the app will show Wi-Fi state as Connected. Press Continue.
You can name your TDSBot. Helpful if you have more than one system in same location. Next, enter your average water consumption during winter and summer.
Setup is complete
You will be redirected to the main page where your water purifiers data will be displayed. Shows at a glance the incoming / purified waters TDS and temperature. Within a few days you will start to filter cartridge usage, The system will alert if any alert criteria you have set is exceeded.
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Developed by Trident Software Sàrl.